WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.630 2. 2 00:00:03.270 --> 00:00:07.109 Dean Pesnell: Welcome to our Sto science talk. 3 00:00:07.640 --> 00:00:11.929 Dean Pesnell: Please hold your questions until the end. 4 00:00:12.280 --> 00:00:25.590 Dean Pesnell: You can put them in the chat, and then we'll. We'll read them at the end. So if you, if you have a question and you're afraid you'll forget it, just enter it into the chat, and we will go through the chat at the end of the talk. 5 00:00:26.380 --> 00:00:41.859 Dean Pesnell: Today's talk is the observation and modeling of coronal cavities in helmet and zoom and pseudo streams by Nicheu Karna, along with Mary Pas. Morales, Katherine Shilling, and and Kaylee Jeddak. 6 00:00:43.070 --> 00:00:54.940 Dean Pesnell: the shoe. Well, I should be formal. Excuse me. Dr. Karna received Bachelor's degrees from Trichander College in Nepal, in 2,007, 7 00:00:54.980 --> 00:01:01.150 Dean Pesnell: and another with an astrophysics track from St. Cloud University in Minnesota, in 2,010. 8 00:01:01.420 --> 00:01:06.369 Dean Pesnell: She received a Phd. From George Mason University in 2,016 9 00:01:06.840 --> 00:01:08.899 Dean Pesnell: for Phd. Research. 10 00:01:09.200 --> 00:01:11.390 Dean Pesnell: Can you believe it? The thanking just 11 00:01:11.530 --> 00:01:12.979 Dean Pesnell: screen received? 12 00:01:16.000 --> 00:01:16.720 Dean Pesnell: Okay. 13 00:01:17.650 --> 00:01:23.080 she we, her Phd. Research was done in collaboration with people like got her. 14 00:01:23.670 --> 00:01:32.020 Dean Pesnell: She joined the center for astrophysics as a post talk in 2,017, and is now an astrophysicist at the center for astrophysics. 15 00:01:32.430 --> 00:01:40.509 Dean Pesnell: Our research focuses on studying the long term evolution of corona holes, coronal cavities, prominences and films 16 00:01:40.880 --> 00:01:46.919 Dean Pesnell: she also produces nonlinear force-free field, magnetic field models of active regions. 17 00:01:46.990 --> 00:01:49.799 Dean Pesnell: and others to interpret the observations. 18 00:01:49.840 --> 00:01:56.280 Dean Pesnell: She was has also been an enthusiastic promoter of science in her home country of Nepal. 19 00:01:56.580 --> 00:01:59.089 Dean Pesnell: So in the shoe the floor is yours. 20 00:01:59.530 --> 00:02:05.500 Nishu Karna: Thank you, Dean. Thank you for giving an opportunity to present my resource work over here. 21 00:02:06.010 --> 00:02:07.809 Nishu Karna: and 22 00:02:08.729 --> 00:02:16.000 Nishu Karna: So my pas in my collaborator and Catholic link, and Kylie Kitty is, are My, are you students? 23 00:02:20.950 --> 00:02:22.000 Nishu Karna: So? 24 00:02:22.130 --> 00:02:25.539 Nishu Karna: And my talk is mostly on. 25 00:02:25.740 --> 00:02:28.460 Nishu Karna: So let's start it. What's you this humor? 26 00:02:29.400 --> 00:02:43.929 Nishu Karna: What's tumors are so your consumers and helm stewards are common structures that saved the corona at the largest scale, as observed in eclipse, and white lighting is in the top Carton panel panel. We can see 27 00:02:43.970 --> 00:02:48.379 Nishu Karna: if you can see my mouse. So this is pointing, as your streamer, please, has 2 domes. 28 00:02:49.070 --> 00:02:59.240 Nishu Karna: and who it overlies a priority inversion, like 2 or even number polarity in the in line, and it has, I can see your I can see your pointer. So you're fine. 29 00:02:59.270 --> 00:03:01.370 Nishu Karna: Okay, great. Thank you. 30 00:03:01.520 --> 00:03:03.549 Nishu Karna: Thanks to him. So. And 31 00:03:04.080 --> 00:03:09.139 Nishu Karna: and the open field. It comes from the kernel hole. But this open field 32 00:03:09.440 --> 00:03:24.009 Nishu Karna: has to be. Our Our side are from the same polarity corner hole, so there is presence of no current sent over here in the shooter streamer, however, that is opposite, for the helmet streamer, which is from over a university. 33 00:03:24.200 --> 00:03:29.589 Nishu Karna: has, if our number of Polaroid inversion line. But in this case 34 00:03:29.930 --> 00:03:32.390 Nishu Karna: open magnetic field lines, or 35 00:03:32.490 --> 00:03:41.529 Nishu Karna: that comes from the corner hole is from by from different polarity. One is positive, one is negative. So and then there is a presence of current seat 36 00:03:42.030 --> 00:03:49.689 Nishu Karna: over here. So Bottom panel is really nice. AI emails. We're blue arrow points, those 2 consumer structure. 37 00:03:50.050 --> 00:03:50.990 Nishu Karna: and 38 00:03:51.430 --> 00:03:55.650 Nishu Karna: and on the right hand side is the coron or the helmet stream, or charities. 39 00:03:55.720 --> 00:04:01.109 Nishu Karna: So, and a helmet is stream out inclusive cavity and prominences. 40 00:04:01.550 --> 00:04:09.660 Nishu Karna: Solar wind originating from both of them, have slow, slowest speed, low proton, temperature, and high density. 41 00:04:10.420 --> 00:04:11.250 Nishu Karna: So 42 00:04:12.750 --> 00:04:14.480 Nishu Karna: let's talk about cavity 43 00:04:16.170 --> 00:04:26.890 Nishu Karna: and cavity is found in both both helmet and serious dreamer. So what's it. So it is our dark reason when we see an UV image in AI, 193. There's a movie playing 44 00:04:27.010 --> 00:04:27.809 Nishu Karna: that's really 45 00:04:27.840 --> 00:04:31.099 Nishu Karna: these are the cavities they are ecliptical. Saved 46 00:04:31.270 --> 00:04:34.059 Nishu Karna: they are that because they are low in city reason. 47 00:04:34.100 --> 00:04:36.940 Nishu Karna: and they come in different length with and height. 48 00:04:36.970 --> 00:04:40.030 Nishu Karna: they appear for a few hours to several months. 49 00:04:40.130 --> 00:04:45.130 Nishu Karna: and they appeared in any location. For example, in this image there is a lot of 50 00:04:45.350 --> 00:04:47.290 Nishu Karna: cavities like all around. 51 00:04:50.010 --> 00:04:52.710 Nishu Karna: So why is it 52 00:04:53.430 --> 00:05:04.430 Nishu Karna: so? When we see in AI image, like the perfect 3D part of cme structure, we can see a prominence followed by a dark cavity, and the bride expanding loop. 53 00:05:05.220 --> 00:05:13.359 Nishu Karna: They can be clue, upstate up the for Solar Corona just prior to see me. Any changes in the cavity may trigger cm. 54 00:05:13.900 --> 00:05:17.809 Nishu Karna: and the third, when Dean was talking about a prediction. 55 00:05:18.170 --> 00:05:22.890 Nishu Karna: Cavities are good tracer, a polar magnetic field diversa. 56 00:05:22.980 --> 00:05:26.349 Nishu Karna: So this is a butterfly diagram, the bottom one 57 00:05:26.400 --> 00:05:29.100 Nishu Karna: 45, I for almost 6 years of data. 58 00:05:29.320 --> 00:05:41.069 Nishu Karna: and the s streaks are the cavity location. Like the this latitude, where they appeared blue and red, correspond to northern and southern atmosphere. So over here, if you see 59 00:05:41.270 --> 00:05:56.459 Nishu Karna: the cavities of following really nicely to the pride in verse, like right at the Corona home country right here, and when there was a full reversal, like, for example, not in it. When the poor it was, it was dispersed in all the latitude. 60 00:05:57.090 --> 00:05:58.370 Nishu Karna: and same thing 61 00:05:58.530 --> 00:06:07.010 Nishu Karna: happen in the southern hemisphere. Cavities appear like it appears, kind of built, and it follows right on the boundary of the pole. And then 62 00:06:07.050 --> 00:06:09.349 Nishu Karna: and when there was full reversal it changed. 63 00:06:09.390 --> 00:06:11.060 Nishu Karna: So. Cavity 64 00:06:11.260 --> 00:06:17.129 Nishu Karna: are really good twisted up. Pull off your magnetical re. So, looking at the higher for or not 65 00:06:18.650 --> 00:06:25.290 Nishu Karna: so, and of course they produce. See me. This is one of the example where kit cavity erupted 66 00:06:25.340 --> 00:06:27.060 Nishu Karna: as an 67 00:06:29.100 --> 00:06:31.780 Nishu Karna: so. Since when did we really take? 68 00:06:31.820 --> 00:06:33.530 Nishu Karna: We know about cavity. 69 00:06:34.280 --> 00:06:41.670 Nishu Karna: So in like in 19 twenties, when in this observation, people used to notice cavity, but they 70 00:06:41.900 --> 00:06:46.450 Nishu Karna: you to call it as a system lying about the prominence. 71 00:06:46.820 --> 00:06:58.520 Nishu Karna: and these art system are due a lot of attention in 1,960. So it was not until, like Vancouver, in 1,961 used a word don't formation over our system. 72 00:06:58.920 --> 00:07:05.019 Nishu Karna: and he in the in the article it's used to work Don't like cabbage is that it's a ho polo spaces. 73 00:07:05.440 --> 00:07:07.630 Nishu Karna: and in 1,973 side to 74 00:07:07.930 --> 00:07:14.990 Nishu Karna: and 10 Berg has a used award cavity for the art system, which is like reduced brightness 75 00:07:16.830 --> 00:07:26.470 Nishu Karna: so, and cabbage is a part of a pseudo-simmer or helmet streamer. So i'm going to walk through a a case like a case is 30 for both cases. 76 00:07:27.410 --> 00:07:29.180 Nishu Karna: and 77 00:07:29.600 --> 00:07:34.410 Nishu Karna: talking about pseudo streamer like really like we knew 78 00:07:34.470 --> 00:07:38.840 Nishu Karna: from history. But it was more like called as like a polar. 79 00:07:39.940 --> 00:07:42.760 Nishu Karna: but it was not until trying 80 00:07:43.020 --> 00:07:50.660 Nishu Karna: 2,000. It was no it it was given a name of students team, or when it was separating upon a whole of the same polarity with them. 81 00:07:51.630 --> 00:07:54.200 Nishu Karna: So over here I present 82 00:07:54.480 --> 00:08:00.519 Nishu Karna: a case of study of a, which was observed in April, 1820, 15, 83 00:08:00.580 --> 00:08:07.300 Nishu Karna: and this users team are only invaded. One cavity you can see only one cavity in middle panel, AI, 193. 84 00:08:07.400 --> 00:08:13.460 Nishu Karna: But you can see really much 2 domes, and it's mine, and on the right hand side is 85 00:08:13.860 --> 00:08:18.820 Nishu Karna: the modeling that i'm going to talk later on. The manage models of the 86 00:08:21.630 --> 00:08:22.670 Nishu Karna: so 87 00:08:22.870 --> 00:08:27.770 Nishu Karna: for more link. I'm using nonlinear, for 88 00:08:27.830 --> 00:08:29.900 there's flux insertion method. 89 00:08:30.130 --> 00:08:32.450 Nishu Karna: which was developed by then. 90 00:08:32.530 --> 00:08:34.619 Nishu Karna: Ballad is in 2,004, 91 00:08:34.940 --> 00:08:41.780 Nishu Karna: and it the matter involves inserting a flux through into, and then allowing 92 00:08:42.120 --> 00:08:47.229 Nishu Karna: for and and and using a manual fix of relaxation to relax it, to force Free State. 93 00:08:47.760 --> 00:08:53.050 Nishu Karna: Up to now it has been successfully used to study 94 00:08:53.110 --> 00:08:54.470 Nishu Karna: cavities. 95 00:08:54.570 --> 00:08:57.879 Nishu Karna: X-ray signals and to the streamers. 96 00:08:59.960 --> 00:09:00.960 Nishu Karna: So 97 00:09:01.220 --> 00:09:02.260 Nishu Karna: for this. 98 00:09:02.460 --> 00:09:07.969 Nishu Karna: in general, when we are looking at it on the internal, we select a reason of interest 99 00:09:08.360 --> 00:09:16.290 Nishu Karna: and and then line up site magnitude grants and global magnetograms. You opt in Mac is used as a input 100 00:09:16.660 --> 00:09:19.179 Nishu Karna: with line of certain optic maps 101 00:09:20.010 --> 00:09:27.630 Nishu Karna: is the is a lower boundary which has a lower boundary condition, and global synaptic maps served as a side boundary condition. 102 00:09:28.040 --> 00:09:33.059 Nishu Karna: Sure surface escaped at the top with where the managed field is radio and open. 103 00:09:34.120 --> 00:09:43.250 Nishu Karna: So once we choose a location, then we we compute a port and software and then we overlap a UV image where we can find a filament 104 00:09:43.950 --> 00:10:00.460 Nishu Karna: or sigmoid. So that is our that the path of the filament is a fluxro for us, and then we provide, excel fluxes, excel fox that goes with the X along the access of the filament. Then all those works is, give the twist. 105 00:10:00.520 --> 00:10:03.119 Nishu Karna: and then we provide the link and height. 106 00:10:03.790 --> 00:10:09.820 Nishu Karna: and then we make several models. Those models are not in for Free State. 107 00:10:10.040 --> 00:10:16.269 Nishu Karna: so we apply magnet to Frix. Now relaxation to relax a model into nonlinear force. 108 00:10:16.860 --> 00:10:21.750 Nishu Karna: So magnificent. Nexus is not really solved induction equation. 109 00:10:21.920 --> 00:10:26.730 Nishu Karna: and is applied to drive the magnetic field towards the force Free State. 110 00:10:27.970 --> 00:10:29.500 Nishu Karna: it makes it. 111 00:10:29.600 --> 00:10:30.910 Nishu Karna: If 112 00:10:31.500 --> 00:10:39.139 Nishu Karna: if we apply 2 months of flux, so if we give 2 months of boxes, then it will just like it keeps on growing without balancing out. 113 00:10:39.180 --> 00:10:48.420 Nishu Karna: But if we have, if there is a balance between managing, it is a balance with a magnitude fisher and overlying arcade the 114 00:10:48.690 --> 00:10:50.260 Nishu Karna: it just stops there. 115 00:10:50.980 --> 00:10:55.910 Nishu Karna: and that that we considered as our stable model. 116 00:10:56.680 --> 00:11:05.630 Nishu Karna: So once we have relaxed once we have relaxed morals, we get several models, and then we have to pick like which one is the best 117 00:11:05.980 --> 00:11:11.119 Nishu Karna: best model like which we can consider the best magnetic models for a 118 00:11:11.240 --> 00:11:27.549 Nishu Karna: so, for for it's stable mortal. We try to look at the magnitude lines, mass with the U. We observe some messing is looking at the overline or line field position of the prominence like. If the height of the prominence and the cavity don't. 119 00:11:27.670 --> 00:11:30.269 Nishu Karna: which whichever model of math as well. 120 00:11:30.450 --> 00:11:34.300 Nishu Karna: we considered it as a base, stable model 121 00:11:34.640 --> 00:11:37.900 Nishu Karna: for our case. Since this is a limb event. 122 00:11:38.120 --> 00:11:38.910 Nishu Karna: we 123 00:11:39.200 --> 00:11:41.479 Nishu Karna: we cannot use them 124 00:11:41.570 --> 00:11:43.629 Nishu Karna: magnetogram. So we 125 00:11:43.670 --> 00:11:48.050 Nishu Karna: think we take a magnitude that are like 2 or 3 days earlier. 126 00:11:48.380 --> 00:11:51.830 Nishu Karna: So basically in this case we take like 4 magnetograms there. 127 00:11:51.970 --> 00:11:56.000 Nishu Karna: like at 1 one day cadence. And then we have this out. 128 00:11:57.640 --> 00:12:11.849 Nishu Karna: And then and then we same thing like, and then we overlay you. We image we. We can see e. I. A way we can see a really nice element, and we follow a path and then provide all the extra, and then we from models. 129 00:12:12.360 --> 00:12:16.480 Nishu Karna: So over here is 130 00:12:16.870 --> 00:12:30.590 Nishu Karna: over. Since I totally we only saw one carry 2 this year, so I will call it a northern flux through. So this was the length in the bottom panel. It's so the magnetogram, with the length of the filaments length of the fluctu. 131 00:12:30.740 --> 00:12:42.709 Nishu Karna: and since there was, there was only a flaming channel, there was no cabbage over here to be. We we tested different scenarios, like with just with one flux room and in Norman, and with the second. 132 00:12:43.270 --> 00:12:45.690 Nishu Karna: that is what we call it as a southern cluster. 133 00:12:46.570 --> 00:12:47.550 Nishu Karna: So 134 00:12:47.920 --> 00:12:55.420 Nishu Karna: after that we're making creating models, different models, running magnificent relaxation. We 135 00:12:55.570 --> 00:12:58.200 Nishu Karna: had 153 models 136 00:12:58.310 --> 00:13:09.299 Nishu Karna: just to get a stable state so in in those Communists, and we use like excel and polite as well. That was ranging from 0 point 0, one to 5, 10 to 4, 21 Maxwell. 137 00:13:09.360 --> 00:13:15.560 Nishu Karna: and the polite of flex was, we're plansing from 0 0 to 5 to power, 10 Maxwell per centimeter. 138 00:13:16.180 --> 00:13:17.830 Nishu Karna: and we found 139 00:13:18.090 --> 00:13:25.230 Nishu Karna: the first is with only one flux row that's Northern fox through with the excel flux, 4, E. 1019 as a. 140 00:13:25.490 --> 00:13:27.780 Nishu Karna: and pull it as as 8. 141 00:13:27.840 --> 00:13:28.530 Nishu Karna: Eat 142 00:13:28.820 --> 00:13:31.900 Nishu Karna: 9 as a best still case. 143 00:13:32.360 --> 00:13:40.740 Nishu Karna: and for the second flux, and with the 2 fluctu of model, the first one that not had the same parameters 144 00:13:40.770 --> 00:13:44.620 Nishu Karna: but the second flux. The 145 00:13:46.780 --> 00:14:01.360 Nishu Karna: had an excel box of 2 E. 19, and the polite of flux up 91 in 1090. So but I forget to mention that when we are looking at the filament part, we have to also take. Consider the chirality of the filament like 146 00:14:01.440 --> 00:14:03.440 Nishu Karna: what what way it is oriented 147 00:14:04.990 --> 00:14:05.950 Nishu Karna: So 148 00:14:08.920 --> 00:14:09.950 Nishu Karna: and then 149 00:14:12.070 --> 00:14:13.020 Nishu Karna: and then 150 00:14:13.320 --> 00:14:18.589 Nishu Karna: this is how our best model of that. So the top one is the 3D email, 3D 151 00:14:18.650 --> 00:14:26.130 Nishu Karna: for lines, part in. So over here is this: this is us using a one fluctu. So this is from the observation. 152 00:14:26.530 --> 00:14:38.090 Nishu Karna: and in this the left panel is the D Cross section, where we are seeing a filam in like for lines, and the background is the current density. 153 00:14:38.270 --> 00:14:44.100 Nishu Karna: and the full lines is over and over and over. There we are seeing Xy plane like looking from the top. 154 00:14:44.720 --> 00:14:55.090 Nishu Karna: It looks this, and when we take intersection, the yellow line, when we take a cross section right along the polar inversal line, and on the right hand side is 155 00:14:55.430 --> 00:14:58.300 Nishu Karna: one big cross section. We are looking at the 156 00:14:59.190 --> 00:15:00.110 Nishu Karna: so 157 00:15:00.370 --> 00:15:08.469 Nishu Karna: the the top one is for for one, having only one flux, rope and and the second bottom one is having 2 flux row. 158 00:15:08.770 --> 00:15:09.890 Nishu Karna: So over here 159 00:15:09.990 --> 00:15:16.710 Nishu Karna: we can see a really nice like 2 domes, and the spine like it's really nice representation of the 160 00:15:16.960 --> 00:15:18.180 Nishu Karna: to the stream there. 161 00:15:22.360 --> 00:15:29.309 Nishu Karna: So and this is this plot is a 3D. 3 view of the same, the the 162 00:15:29.610 --> 00:15:45.300 Nishu Karna: to the streamer. The left hand side is with the one fox stroke. The right is the 2 fluctu, so we we have a best fit model, and then we are just trying to vote it. Oh, okay, how does it look like a one week ahead, because or 2 weeks, I, when it was in the Eastern Lane. 163 00:15:45.430 --> 00:15:51.679 Nishu Karna: So this is how it looks like, and when it is in the middle of the lame, like when it is the middle of the disc. 164 00:15:51.850 --> 00:15:59.750 Nishu Karna: The second panel, the middle panel is the second, and then the bottom one is the one which is when it was in its actual location. 165 00:16:00.490 --> 00:16:05.829 Nishu Karna: So, though we had a 2 flock we had we did for having just one flux of that. 166 00:16:06.640 --> 00:16:18.230 Nishu Karna: and then to fluctuate, we thought in in in actual observation there was only one cavity. So we consider one flux rope as our best observation model. 167 00:16:18.560 --> 00:16:21.840 Nishu Karna: What's magneting model that represented observation. 168 00:16:23.430 --> 00:16:28.259 Nishu Karna: So next thing that we did was like, we also computed a stressing factor. 169 00:16:28.540 --> 00:16:30.330 Nishu Karna: Our queue. We 170 00:16:30.370 --> 00:16:36.170 Nishu Karna: is really important because it it is proxy to determine where strong electric 171 00:16:36.300 --> 00:16:51.360 Nishu Karna: currencies can develop in the corona, and also provide an imported information about the connectivity of complicated memory configuration. So it is computed by grouping field lines into separate bundles which connects desperate reason up to our surface 172 00:16:51.590 --> 00:16:59.450 Nishu Karna: and to compute queue, map, or stressing factor, we use Tesla and September 2,017 open source code. 173 00:16:59.860 --> 00:17:01.730 Nishu Karna: and this is how it looked like 174 00:17:01.970 --> 00:17:03.459 Nishu Karna: on the left hand side 175 00:17:03.700 --> 00:17:05.410 Nishu Karna: is from one fox to. 176 00:17:05.859 --> 00:17:08.469 Nishu Karna: and the second one is from 2, 177 00:17:08.710 --> 00:17:12.020 Nishu Karna: so we can see, since it gives you high. 178 00:17:12.040 --> 00:17:15.020 Nishu Karna: Where is the high current 179 00:17:15.319 --> 00:17:20.770 Nishu Karna: current, so you can see at the like over. You can see a really really like high queue values 180 00:17:20.829 --> 00:17:25.870 Nishu Karna: in the prominence. Right here. The cavity is pointed by the red arrow. 181 00:17:25.890 --> 00:17:31.200 Nishu Karna: and then over like overlying arcade, by the Black arrow and the null point 182 00:17:32.000 --> 00:17:38.710 Nishu Karna: by the green and the spine by the by, the white arrow, so we can get everything 183 00:17:39.040 --> 00:17:44.219 Nishu Karna: it it really represents really well, the Q. So it wasn't very well in the 184 00:17:47.050 --> 00:17:48.350 Nishu Karna: so next 185 00:17:48.730 --> 00:17:53.569 Nishu Karna: is the same to the streamer after 2 days. That was an 18, 186 00:17:54.080 --> 00:17:56.870 Nishu Karna: so that was an 18 on the 19. The next day 187 00:17:57.260 --> 00:17:59.920 Nishu Karna: it adopted, and there was a cme. 188 00:18:00.640 --> 00:18:01.670 Nishu Karna: So 189 00:18:01.800 --> 00:18:04.270 Nishu Karna: before it option the left. 190 00:18:04.570 --> 00:18:08.859 Nishu Karna: is it? You can see a really nice small cavity over here 191 00:18:09.010 --> 00:18:10.150 Nishu Karna: on the eighteenth. 192 00:18:10.230 --> 00:18:11.610 Nishu Karna: On the nineteenth 193 00:18:12.520 --> 00:18:16.469 Nishu Karna: the panel of this panel. It represents eruption. 194 00:18:16.530 --> 00:18:22.380 Nishu Karna: You can see the cavity has also outgrown, like Don't speak it inside, and then the prominence is also drawing 195 00:18:23.170 --> 00:18:26.170 Nishu Karna: so, and then the prominence. It ups 196 00:18:26.630 --> 00:18:28.899 Nishu Karna: the and it 197 00:18:28.930 --> 00:18:32.270 Nishu Karna: at the not point. It brightens up, it makes a 198 00:18:32.290 --> 00:18:34.400 Nishu Karna: it is. It is not a radio expansion. 199 00:18:34.440 --> 00:18:36.349 Nishu Karna: The 4 min makes a curve. 200 00:18:36.770 --> 00:18:40.550 Nishu Karna: reconnect at the now point, and then goes out of full of you. 201 00:18:42.450 --> 00:18:43.380 Nishu Karna: So 202 00:18:43.830 --> 00:18:50.969 Nishu Karna: we try to. He was using the same magnet tricks on the laptation we try to reproduce 203 00:18:51.360 --> 00:18:54.749 model that represents the eruption in this case. 204 00:18:55.140 --> 00:19:00.440 Nishu Karna: So we made, since we already had a stable case. It was 205 00:19:01.200 --> 00:19:03.920 Nishu Karna: easy for us to like, provide a 206 00:19:04.050 --> 00:19:07.339 Nishu Karna: like maximize the excel flocks, and then 207 00:19:07.640 --> 00:19:22.700 Nishu Karna: we run some model like relax the model so that we have, like 33 unstable models, but from those on 33 unstable models we have to pick the best unstable model that really that but it represents the eruption. 208 00:19:23.380 --> 00:19:24.420 Nishu Karna: So 209 00:19:24.680 --> 00:19:25.530 Nishu Karna: huh! 210 00:19:25.630 --> 00:19:39.949 Nishu Karna: So right on the and then we found the model from out of those 35 on we found like model, with excel flux, 80 20 and full idle flux, 3, E. 10, x. So for signal was the best unstable model. 211 00:19:41.090 --> 00:19:46.329 Nishu Karna: and it was like 20 times higher than the stable model. The val was 20 times higher. 212 00:19:46.760 --> 00:19:51.070 Nishu Karna: On right hand side is the same disable model, but with different iteration. 213 00:19:51.400 --> 00:19:52.290 Nishu Karna: So 214 00:19:52.600 --> 00:19:57.850 Nishu Karna: those are 1010,000 90,130under 50,000, 215 00:19:57.870 --> 00:19:58.670 Nishu Karna: and 216 00:19:59.280 --> 00:20:12.430 Nishu Karna: in our moral iteration doesn't tell you the exact timing we have to mask the observation with the time, with the it. Reason like, okay, this, it doesn't corresponds to this timing in the observation. 217 00:20:13.090 --> 00:20:14.030 Nishu Karna: So 218 00:20:15.570 --> 00:20:16.990 Nishu Karna: it carried the 219 00:20:17.150 --> 00:20:24.260 Nishu Karna: This is the option you're up to, really well, and then we can see, for example, this unrelated line over the call 220 00:20:24.300 --> 00:20:28.959 Nishu Karna: we can see on the less per line of the cost, and can also see a reconnection 221 00:20:29.190 --> 00:20:33.380 Nishu Karna: happening with the front lines over here to present it, but talkwise, stated 222 00:20:33.410 --> 00:20:37.389 Nishu Karna: rectangular box. So when we try to 223 00:20:37.800 --> 00:20:42.149 Nishu Karna: overlap our magneting models with the observation, this is how it looks like. 224 00:20:43.340 --> 00:20:44.180 Nishu Karna: so 225 00:20:44.860 --> 00:20:51.449 Nishu Karna: the leading is we can we mass well pretty well with the leading a's, and then operation line pointed with this fine. 226 00:20:51.900 --> 00:20:52.999 Nishu Karna: Very well. 227 00:20:55.030 --> 00:20:57.329 Nishu Karna: but the thing is like our 228 00:20:58.550 --> 00:21:06.480 Nishu Karna: this this this has well in Alaska to love you. It was like pretty broad one, but our field of view was kind of 229 00:21:06.540 --> 00:21:09.350 Nishu Karna: smaller, so we missed to capture 230 00:21:09.710 --> 00:21:11.700 Nishu Karna: this part. If we have 231 00:21:11.830 --> 00:21:19.730 Nishu Karna: made extended to Southern hemisphere more like made up out there size more to you could have been captured, but nonetheless 232 00:21:19.780 --> 00:21:20.570 Nishu Karna: it was 233 00:21:20.810 --> 00:21:23.630 Nishu Karna: good. It was the it was a good representation. 234 00:21:27.220 --> 00:21:30.609 Nishu Karna: And then we did the same thing, top of the analysis 235 00:21:31.240 --> 00:21:32.560 Nishu Karna: for the adoption. 236 00:21:32.780 --> 00:21:36.099 Nishu Karna: and not everything messed but 237 00:21:36.270 --> 00:21:48.929 Nishu Karna: Major Point really mess like the leading a's, and then streamers, and everything was matching for the lower it for the higher timeframe. We we like 238 00:21:49.540 --> 00:22:03.700 Nishu Karna: this the last couple of you out through our box, so we can cover thing. And again saying we would miss we if we could have extended our breed box to more towards the solar more. Maybe we have captured this part. 239 00:22:03.850 --> 00:22:05.189 Nishu Karna: We didn't do that because 240 00:22:05.600 --> 00:22:06.490 Nishu Karna: you, Joe. 241 00:22:06.980 --> 00:22:08.230 Nishu Karna: we didn't get that. 242 00:22:10.370 --> 00:22:18.269 Nishu Karna: and the other thing is like from a. This is the plot like from AI observation. We try to look at at what height 243 00:22:18.330 --> 00:22:20.820 Nishu Karna: there was an eruption like what height 244 00:22:20.930 --> 00:22:28.609 Nishu Karna: the formulas get updated. And then we try to get er eruption height from the more our potential model 245 00:22:28.870 --> 00:22:30.580 Nishu Karna: and the and the height 246 00:22:33.160 --> 00:22:41.819 Nishu Karna: masked. Very well. It was 56 mega meter from height from the observation mask around the same time from our 247 00:22:42.130 --> 00:22:43.600 Nishu Karna: important situation model. 248 00:22:45.760 --> 00:22:46.800 Nishu Karna: so 249 00:22:47.910 --> 00:22:48.690 Nishu Karna: that 250 00:22:49.170 --> 00:22:54.859 Nishu Karna: so now that was our shooter streamer. So now, moving to helm, to streamer. And I also want like 251 00:22:54.990 --> 00:22:56.690 Nishu Karna: to go with 252 00:22:56.840 --> 00:23:00.329 Nishu Karna: hemisphere. And at this helmet 253 00:23:01.140 --> 00:23:03.720 Nishu Karna: was there for like 3 or 4 days. 254 00:23:04.310 --> 00:23:05.980 you can see. 255 00:23:06.520 --> 00:23:10.110 Nishu Karna: and it was a recent like last year, 2,020 to 256 00:23:11.230 --> 00:23:16.370 Nishu Karna: February, 6 over here, and we have it is a really big, nice 257 00:23:16.630 --> 00:23:17.720 Nishu Karna: cavities. 258 00:23:18.440 --> 00:23:28.339 Nishu Karna: and then in 2 days in 2,000, for after 2 days on February 8, it erupted, and 2 days, the kind of inverses like one year anniversary of this eruption. 259 00:23:29.120 --> 00:23:37.090 Nishu Karna: So it erupted as a really nice, like classical, 3 classical, 3 part of semi 260 00:23:37.270 --> 00:23:46.829 Nishu Karna: So bright is in loop that cavity. So it was really nice, the option, and on the second one is the last for email, and the third. 261 00:23:46.910 --> 00:23:48.940 Nishu Karna: The panel is from 262 00:23:49.040 --> 00:23:54.860 Nishu Karna: it's from Studio a, and it's to the ae also covered the adoption as well. 263 00:23:55.470 --> 00:23:58.480 Nishu Karna: So this helmet streamer. 264 00:23:59.930 --> 00:24:04.880 Nishu Karna: What of your eruption was offered by multiple? Is this cat 265 00:24:05.360 --> 00:24:09.690 Nishu Karna: s do soho stereo a psp 266 00:24:10.210 --> 00:24:11.880 Nishu Karna: solar elevator 267 00:24:12.070 --> 00:24:13.840 Nishu Karna: wind is. 268 00:24:15.380 --> 00:24:16.920 Nishu Karna: and and this 269 00:24:17.210 --> 00:24:30.080 Nishu Karna: and this to a streamer how much streamer eruption was geo-effective. It produced moderate geometric, geomagnetic, strong, with the Dsa index value of 1,960 Nano Tesla. 270 00:24:32.070 --> 00:24:36.619 Nishu Karna: And then first let's look at the wind data at Earth. 271 00:24:36.820 --> 00:24:37.700 Nishu Karna: So. 272 00:24:39.430 --> 00:24:48.400 Nishu Karna: Hmm. The first one is magnet with the first panel is the magnetic field, then velocity, praser number, density, temperature, energy, and dst. 273 00:24:48.810 --> 00:24:53.660 Nishu Karna: So yellow is the reason a yellow said it. Reason defines the reason where 274 00:24:53.770 --> 00:24:55.619 Nishu Karna: it was hit by the C. Me 275 00:24:55.750 --> 00:24:58.559 Nishu Karna: that that was cost, whether I had much streamer 276 00:24:59.450 --> 00:25:00.520 Nishu Karna: you option. 277 00:25:00.610 --> 00:25:08.239 Nishu Karna: so we can see a change in the magnetic field, and then chain all over 10 in the 278 00:25:08.340 --> 00:25:12.820 Nishu Karna: and when it was hit by see me. Then there was a corner hall. 279 00:25:13.020 --> 00:25:15.290 Nishu Karna: right line. So 280 00:25:16.270 --> 00:25:25.049 Nishu Karna: so when data record encountered a. C. Me, and then it will encounter what the call for. So this is the reason from the solar wind speed coming from the corner hall. So you can see 281 00:25:25.520 --> 00:25:27.070 Nishu Karna: right 282 00:25:27.100 --> 00:25:28.760 Nishu Karna: as a phone call over here. 283 00:25:30.480 --> 00:25:35.539 Nishu Karna: At the same time the park of solar probe was at 0 point. 5, 3 au. 284 00:25:35.700 --> 00:25:39.099 Nishu Karna: And if you look at the location it was kind of behind. 285 00:25:39.360 --> 00:25:40.680 Nishu Karna: Oh, okay. 286 00:25:40.700 --> 00:25:43.289 Nishu Karna: we're here. So 287 00:25:43.530 --> 00:25:53.229 Nishu Karna: on the backside of the sun. There was already a prominent. There was already from a whole there, and Parker Solar, for that was encountering. 288 00:25:53.350 --> 00:25:57.000 Nishu Karna: So there is a bump over here the blue sated reason, and then 289 00:25:57.240 --> 00:25:58.629 Nishu Karna: there was a rising. 290 00:25:59.490 --> 00:26:17.389 Nishu Karna: Of course this is the same magnetic field philosophy, pressure, density, 10% energy. So there was change in the velocity, like it was rising from a host, is for a long time, and then eventually there was. It was like it wasn't the high speed stream, and then it was again hit by a cme. 291 00:26:17.540 --> 00:26:22.730 Nishu Karna: So we can see this change in the magnitude over here. The bump and the speed. 292 00:26:23.530 --> 00:26:25.070 Nishu Karna: changing the pressure 293 00:26:25.380 --> 00:26:30.969 Nishu Karna: a little bit in density template. So this this corresponds to the helmet stream or adoption 294 00:26:31.140 --> 00:26:31.780 over here. 295 00:26:32.730 --> 00:26:37.490 Nishu Karna: Then next we we looked at the data from solar operator. 296 00:26:38.440 --> 00:26:39.380 Nishu Karna: and 297 00:26:39.790 --> 00:26:44.990 Nishu Karna: and its location was between, if you can see, like, between studio 298 00:26:45.160 --> 00:26:48.020 Nishu Karna: A and when data or 299 00:26:48.190 --> 00:26:49.170 Nishu Karna: so 300 00:26:49.260 --> 00:26:54.059 Nishu Karna: it already. So they wrote. They was another corn hole on the side. 301 00:26:54.100 --> 00:26:57.790 Nishu Karna: another ground in the in the front of in the front side. 302 00:26:57.990 --> 00:26:58.930 Nishu Karna: So 303 00:26:59.660 --> 00:27:03.960 Nishu Karna: Solar Orbiter was encountering that one of home, Solar Ministry. 304 00:27:04.370 --> 00:27:14.489 Nishu Karna: That's that's what they did arise in the and I for this attention, and the magnetic field thing that it was hit by a Cm. From Helmet Schumer, which is the reason over here. 305 00:27:14.770 --> 00:27:15.850 Nishu Karna: And then 306 00:27:15.910 --> 00:27:16.770 Nishu Karna: it was heat. 307 00:27:16.840 --> 00:27:23.079 Nishu Karna: Then again it was followed by the colonel that was observed by Parker solo from the behind. 308 00:27:23.500 --> 00:27:25.500 Nishu Karna: So these are all the 309 00:27:25.550 --> 00:27:28.410 Nishu Karna: so. 310 00:27:31.340 --> 00:27:40.959 Nishu Karna: All the 3, like part of solar group and solar are we to win data? Like everything was observed all those 3 centralized out of this adoption 311 00:27:41.070 --> 00:27:50.399 Nishu Karna: and the flower. It was pretty long, like the the it was like almost like 650 mega meters. So it was pretty long when it was. It was a wide option. 312 00:27:51.770 --> 00:27:52.680 Nishu Karna: so 313 00:27:53.340 --> 00:27:56.740 Nishu Karna: multiple spacecraft covered disk and option. 314 00:27:59.010 --> 00:28:05.400 Nishu Karna: So then, next, what we did was like. We looked at the thermal properties of the helmet. 315 00:28:06.240 --> 00:28:11.189 Nishu Karna: The top is before the eruption, and the bottom is after the adoption. 316 00:28:11.910 --> 00:28:24.690 Nishu Karna: or during the adoption. So in the top we can see and low template where we can see a really nice tall prominence in high tempted, so we can see real nice tempted like a prominence, and then we can also see a cavity 317 00:28:25.950 --> 00:28:32.099 Nishu Karna: after the during the option we in the lower temple we can, we can, so we you. We can see. 318 00:28:33.080 --> 00:28:34.940 Nishu Karna: Really nice 319 00:28:36.100 --> 00:28:44.729 Nishu Karna: cooler is it, to over here, and we can also see a current state in and higher tempt, so we can see a current state a little bit of like that. 320 00:28:44.940 --> 00:28:53.129 Nishu Karna: So we we for the thermal and terminal structure, analyzes, we use D and less, if employment only 13 and 20 321 00:28:53.290 --> 00:28:54.260 Nishu Karna: so 322 00:28:54.720 --> 00:28:58.470 Nishu Karna: cavity that was really nice captured. 323 00:29:00.970 --> 00:29:08.159 Nishu Karna: And then next step was like, we use the same fox stroke, insertion, method, and we model helmet streamer. 324 00:29:09.750 --> 00:29:21.340 Nishu Karna: And this is the best stable, and this one is for this, this stable case. And you, you can notice, like the still, has had a really high excel fl like one in 21 325 00:29:21.700 --> 00:29:24.530 Nishu Karna: next one, and the polite of the flux has 326 00:29:24.640 --> 00:29:27.510 Nishu Karna: value of one e 10. 327 00:29:27.760 --> 00:29:29.530 Nishu Karna: So this was really 328 00:29:29.670 --> 00:29:30.670 Nishu Karna: hi 329 00:29:30.780 --> 00:29:32.340 Nishu Karna: excellent box, because 330 00:29:32.410 --> 00:29:34.299 Nishu Karna: it's not right at Fuck's case 331 00:29:34.420 --> 00:29:37.420 Nishu Karna: we have. I have a data for 332 00:29:37.700 --> 00:29:41.169 Nishu Karna: on still cases, but that i'm going to talk later on. 333 00:29:41.790 --> 00:29:43.180 Nishu Karna: So 334 00:29:44.020 --> 00:29:57.859 Nishu Karna: this way to this way we'll look. 2 more cases, obviously on the top panel are the to the streamer like a different timeframe. 1316, and then the bottom are from helmet streamer. 335 00:29:58.270 --> 00:30:02.380 Nishu Karna: So we altogether we have, like a 9 9 336 00:30:02.620 --> 00:30:04.010 Nishu Karna: cases we 337 00:30:04.510 --> 00:30:06.600 Nishu Karna: made a 338 00:30:07.880 --> 00:30:11.120 Nishu Karna: and this is a table. 339 00:30:11.550 --> 00:30:15.020 Nishu Karna: This is a table showing magnetic field 340 00:30:15.210 --> 00:30:17.649 Nishu Karna: like 9 cases. 341 00:30:18.020 --> 00:30:18.970 Nishu Karna: so 342 00:30:19.510 --> 00:30:20.160 Nishu Karna: the 343 00:30:20.260 --> 00:30:25.400 Nishu Karna: the blue one are the normal, like on st stable cases. 344 00:30:25.590 --> 00:30:27.609 Nishu Karna: and the green one is. 345 00:30:28.000 --> 00:30:30.969 Nishu Karna: i'm still unstable like. Had it your option. 346 00:30:32.180 --> 00:30:36.629 Nishu Karna: So the first one first rule is excel box. 347 00:30:36.870 --> 00:30:39.260 Nishu Karna: and we can see the excel box. 348 00:30:39.670 --> 00:30:40.950 Nishu Karna: He like 349 00:30:40.990 --> 00:30:52.479 Nishu Karna: It's really hard to go right now like I'm in it. So if you see, excel Fox, they drink this from 19 to 20, except the one is the home machine that had like 21 350 00:30:52.880 --> 00:30:54.579 Nishu Karna: I like to tell you one. 351 00:30:54.890 --> 00:30:55.960 Nishu Karna: and 352 00:30:56.610 --> 00:30:57.250 Nishu Karna: and 353 00:30:57.420 --> 00:31:04.680 Nishu Karna: so it is also divided in northern fluctu, and saw the foster for the streamer 2 cases before helmet is just like one. 354 00:31:04.880 --> 00:31:18.670 Nishu Karna: In even in some cases what happens is like, we do have a long filament challenge for entire. The entire bucksroke or filam and doesn't have the same value excel value. So we have. 355 00:31:19.170 --> 00:31:28.919 Nishu Karna: We make a model like dividing. Okay from here to here is this most value, and from here. So that's why sometimes we get like a 2 values, or maybe sometimes 3 values for the same function. 356 00:31:30.830 --> 00:31:31.730 Nishu Karna: and 357 00:31:32.010 --> 00:31:37.970 Nishu Karna: and then we come we. And then the second rule is our polite of box. 358 00:31:38.220 --> 00:31:47.320 Nishu Karna: so full of the flux is, it goes more like a twist like per centimeter; but when we multiply it by a total length of the flux through 359 00:31:47.540 --> 00:31:50.720 Nishu Karna: it will give our total total polite, of 360 00:31:51.230 --> 00:31:52.490 Nishu Karna: which is this one. 361 00:31:55.590 --> 00:32:02.200 Nishu Karna: So if we look at the all the values we are, and on like either. 10 to our 20, 362 00:32:02.960 --> 00:32:06.719 Nishu Karna: for all of most of the cases except 1 one helmet stream on 363 00:32:06.810 --> 00:32:08.529 Nishu Karna: that was really energetic. 364 00:32:08.860 --> 00:32:13.770 Nishu Karna: So it's just like all the the power tiny value. Maxwell. 365 00:32:14.040 --> 00:32:14.920 Nishu Karna: the photo 366 00:32:15.430 --> 00:32:17.449 Nishu Karna: so, and the fourth 367 00:32:17.560 --> 00:32:24.550 Nishu Karna: R. Is a issue of excel to total a ratio of excel flux to total polaroidal fox. 368 00:32:24.750 --> 00:32:32.759 Nishu Karna: and we can notice that in the grey reason, in the gray one, the one with the higher ratio, with eruptive. 369 00:32:33.960 --> 00:32:38.060 Nishu Karna: and all the with the lower values with stable cases. 370 00:32:39.200 --> 00:32:42.000 Nishu Karna: Next we looked at free energy. 371 00:32:43.740 --> 00:32:45.389 Nishu Karna: the top 5, 372 00:32:45.880 --> 00:32:51.120 Nishu Karna: the first 5 columns for the we have like a, and as it is from 30 to 31, 373 00:32:51.380 --> 00:33:02.400 Nishu Karna: and for helmet stream our it is from 30 to 34, like 32 more general 34. So free energy is a little bit higher in helmet stream are compared 374 00:33:02.430 --> 00:33:04.449 Nishu Karna: to to the streamers. 375 00:33:04.920 --> 00:33:07.240 Nishu Karna: Next we looked at the helicity 376 00:33:07.760 --> 00:33:11.199 Nishu Karna: helic city is also something for you to see our inference from 377 00:33:11.390 --> 00:33:15.139 Nishu Karna: 10 the power. 40 to 40, 42 was the case of adoption 378 00:33:15.410 --> 00:33:16.670 Nishu Karna: almost like it. 379 00:33:17.010 --> 00:33:20.819 Nishu Karna: This is 41 41 and the fellow 41, and 380 00:33:20.980 --> 00:33:32.230 Nishu Karna: and for helmet streamer it was 42, so helicopter was also higher. A helicopter was higher in helmet a streamer. Compared. To 381 00:33:33.060 --> 00:33:35.290 Nishu Karna: Next we look at the link 382 00:33:35.470 --> 00:33:39.009 Nishu Karna: length is we have like a different kind of a different length of 383 00:33:41.040 --> 00:33:41.640 hmm. 384 00:33:41.760 --> 00:33:45.379 Nishu Karna: like from 223 mega meter to 1,017 385 00:33:45.820 --> 00:33:46.980 Nishu Karna: make on me, too. 386 00:33:47.590 --> 00:33:53.390 Nishu Karna: And if you and the last 2 rules are with and height of the cavity. 387 00:33:53.700 --> 00:33:56.809 Nishu Karna: So if we except for the last case. 388 00:33:56.930 --> 00:33:59.799 Nishu Karna: if you see like cavity, ranges are almost 389 00:34:00.090 --> 00:34:04.470 Nishu Karna: almost like helmet, streamer, and serious tumor can be kind of the same 390 00:34:04.760 --> 00:34:05.420 Nishu Karna: thanks. 391 00:34:05.570 --> 00:34:06.650 Nishu Karna: And again. 392 00:34:07.270 --> 00:34:19.330 Nishu Karna: if you're competing from unstable to stable, we see like unstable was smaller, and then, when it's going to stable, Sorry Stable was what smaller height, and then, when it's time for eruption, it like the size outgrowth. 393 00:34:20.080 --> 00:34:26.169 Nishu Karna: so there was not much difference between helmet, streamer, and silver streamer cavities. 394 00:34:26.290 --> 00:34:28.379 Nishu Karna: but there was a difference between 395 00:34:29.639 --> 00:34:32.920 Nishu Karna: the time before the adoption of the cavity and 396 00:34:33.719 --> 00:34:37.909 Nishu Karna: before the steam of case of the cavity, and during the adoption of the character there was like different. 397 00:34:39.620 --> 00:34:40.620 Nishu Karna: So 398 00:34:42.270 --> 00:34:45.590 Nishu Karna: so, in conclusion, we started 399 00:34:45.610 --> 00:34:50.569 Nishu Karna: 9 cases like 5 shooters streamers and full helmet streamers. 400 00:34:51.219 --> 00:34:55.990 Nishu Karna: and excel for experience somewhere between 3, 19121 401 00:34:56.380 --> 00:35:02.119 Nishu Karna: total polite as folks are mostly in the rings of the 20 Maxwell extra. In one cases 402 00:35:02.150 --> 00:35:02.939 Nishu Karna: this is 403 00:35:03.230 --> 00:35:09.359 Nishu Karna: case, and helmet streamer have slightly higher fluxes compared to 404 00:35:09.510 --> 00:35:13.740 Nishu Karna: the adoption. Cases have higher excel to full item. Fox issues 405 00:35:14.330 --> 00:35:23.709 Nishu Karna: cavities, size rings from 0 point 9 to 0 point, 3, 4. However, there is no significant difference between helmet's, tumor, and your smart cavity saves 406 00:35:24.130 --> 00:35:30.300 Nishu Karna: and free energy and helicopter a little bit higher in helmet stream as compared to pseudo streamers. 407 00:35:31.260 --> 00:35:32.259 Nishu Karna: So 408 00:35:32.350 --> 00:35:38.519 Nishu Karna: these are all from our modeling results. So we are trying to get more 409 00:35:38.720 --> 00:35:41.319 Nishu Karna: in some cases, and we 410 00:35:41.800 --> 00:35:48.180 Nishu Karna: include more error in case, and and make a step statistical analysis. And this is the first time we have done 411 00:35:48.500 --> 00:35:52.960 Nishu Karna: this thoroughly magnetic moral comparison for like a different cases. 412 00:35:53.380 --> 00:35:54.939 Nishu Karna: So that's 413 00:35:55.570 --> 00:35:59.789 Nishu Karna: That's that's all I have. Yeah, thank you. So 414 00:36:00.540 --> 00:36:01.120 yes. 415 00:36:02.410 --> 00:36:04.179 Nishu Karna: I am 416 00:36:04.860 --> 00:36:06.339 Nishu Karna: ready to take. 417 00:36:06.750 --> 00:36:14.670 Dean Pesnell: I think we should all unmute, and then get a a a smattering of applause for an issue. Thank you very much 418 00:36:15.210 --> 00:36:16.800 Dean Pesnell: for a very nice talk. 419 00:36:17.270 --> 00:36:24.009 Dean Pesnell: I'm glad you've continued studying coronal cavities and in their other manifestations it's an excellent subject. 420 00:36:24.520 --> 00:36:25.529 Thank you. 421 00:36:25.810 --> 00:36:28.569 Does anyone have any questions. 422 00:36:28.780 --> 00:36:38.419 Dean Pesnell: please? I guess the easiest thing to do is is to raise your hands, and then you will have you unmute your microphone and ask your question. 423 00:36:42.470 --> 00:36:45.060 I have a point of clarification. 424 00:36:45.610 --> 00:36:51.740 Dean Pesnell: So in one case you have a well in the queue you had a very nicely resolved null point 425 00:36:51.840 --> 00:36:54.789 Dean Pesnell: is that like is that is, that 426 00:36:56.080 --> 00:37:02.570 Dean Pesnell: is, is that a a new kind of idea that we can see the null points, or have they been visible 427 00:37:02.760 --> 00:37:04.899 Dean Pesnell: nicely visible in the past? 428 00:37:06.060 --> 00:37:09.810 Nishu Karna: So here, so in queue. It just shows up very nicely. 429 00:37:11.470 --> 00:37:12.770 Dean Pesnell: does it? Is it 430 00:37:13.250 --> 00:37:14.009 Oops? 431 00:37:20.000 --> 00:37:20.729 This one? 432 00:37:20.890 --> 00:37:27.779 Dean Pesnell: That one? Yes, so you can see it's very nicely. Shows up. Does it show up. Has it been something we've known in in the past? 433 00:37:27.950 --> 00:37:29.720 Nishu Karna: Yes. 434 00:37:29.870 --> 00:37:33.150 Nishu Karna: not with this. So let you put this way. 435 00:37:33.240 --> 00:37:34.029 Nishu Karna: So 436 00:37:34.130 --> 00:37:43.079 Nishu Karna: when we talk about the students. We always talk about the dooms, and then having a null point right? People have used Pfs as model 437 00:37:43.590 --> 00:37:46.510 Nishu Karna: to look for the null point and comp observation 438 00:37:46.680 --> 00:37:50.729 Nishu Karna: like to pinpoint a lot, but this is the first time like using. 439 00:37:51.100 --> 00:37:55.270 Nishu Karna: and then using a top of like a of the analyzes. 440 00:37:55.470 --> 00:37:56.270 Nishu Karna: So 441 00:37:57.290 --> 00:38:02.769 Nishu Karna: this is really nice. But yes, my answer will be yes. It has been done in the history. Yes. 442 00:38:04.880 --> 00:38:06.689 any other questions 443 00:38:09.960 --> 00:38:10.890 USCR: question middle 444 00:38:11.340 --> 00:38:13.309 USCR: on the 445 00:38:13.680 --> 00:38:22.879 USCR: Who's who's speaking? And you you have to move closer to a microphone wherever you are. Yeah, I think there's just talking about. 446 00:38:23.260 --> 00:38:27.380 Dean Pesnell: Okay, do you hear me now? 447 00:38:27.540 --> 00:38:37.160 USCR: Okay, i'm impressed how this magnetic field all around the sun, up to some height of trees or radii, or water 448 00:38:37.380 --> 00:38:47.470 USCR: that you cover such a large volume. I wonder if you see enough details that you can tell what kind of instability causes a pseudo stream, for instance. 449 00:38:48.000 --> 00:38:59.009 Nishu Karna: Yes, some we like sometimes. What we do is we. The ratio plays an important room. When we talk about, excel to polite, it works, or we 450 00:38:59.970 --> 00:39:00.859 Nishu Karna: we. 451 00:39:01.020 --> 00:39:05.559 Nishu Karna: So there is a formula like we. We look at the twist angle that we can calculate. 452 00:39:05.810 --> 00:39:08.680 Nishu Karna: So if it is about like certain value. 453 00:39:09.050 --> 00:39:12.719 Nishu Karna: something then we can see. Oh, this is from the king and stability. 454 00:39:12.850 --> 00:39:17.360 Nishu Karna: And in in the case of this one, when we measured a Dk index. 455 00:39:17.580 --> 00:39:26.490 Nishu Karna: which people in the history they have, they have provided a number of like 1.5 or something. So when we reach the curve, so that is, from decay. 456 00:39:26.990 --> 00:39:30.880 Nishu Karna: from certain towards instability or something. 457 00:39:31.120 --> 00:39:37.529 Nishu Karna: Sorry, it's amazing. So we do have we? We can see an instability. We can look at the excellent polite of value 458 00:39:37.840 --> 00:39:40.469 Nishu Karna: and measure the parameters 459 00:39:40.750 --> 00:39:42.410 Nishu Karna: instability parameters. 460 00:39:42.570 --> 00:39:45.080 USCR: People talk about. 461 00:39:46.150 --> 00:39:53.659 USCR: The instability is because of a of equilibrium. I think that's what Terry Forbes always 462 00:39:54.030 --> 00:39:54.979 USCR: said 463 00:39:55.030 --> 00:39:56.629 USCR: instead. Still, the 464 00:39:56.800 --> 00:39:59.090 USCR: the favourite driver to produce 465 00:39:59.450 --> 00:40:01.550 USCR: to the streamer, or 466 00:40:07.290 --> 00:40:09.360 Nishu Karna: you said like tourist instability 467 00:40:09.410 --> 00:40:10.109 Nishu Karna: is that. 468 00:40:10.280 --> 00:40:12.049 USCR: and lots of equilibrium 469 00:40:12.260 --> 00:40:13.850 Nishu Karna: loss of equilibrium 470 00:40:14.430 --> 00:40:19.479 Nishu Karna: it can happen, but we haven't like from our morning we haven't. We have only checked like 2 cases 471 00:40:19.790 --> 00:40:20.839 Nishu Karna: till now. 472 00:40:22.250 --> 00:40:23.850 Nishu Karna: Yeah, 2 to 3 cases. 473 00:40:23.880 --> 00:40:24.770 Nishu Karna: And 474 00:40:25.230 --> 00:40:28.330 Nishu Karna: in one of the case was tourist instability. 475 00:40:28.370 --> 00:40:32.609 Nishu Karna: So and again, like, this is just the main. We, we we don't deal with the mass. 476 00:40:33.910 --> 00:40:34.879 Nishu Karna: So it's. 477 00:40:35.350 --> 00:40:38.210 Nishu Karna: I don't have an answer for now. Right now I can see. 478 00:40:39.230 --> 00:40:39.939 you know. 479 00:40:39.960 --> 00:40:45.710 Dean Pesnell: Okay, is that Mung's question hand raised. 480 00:40:46.000 --> 00:40:54.800 USCR: Yes, I I raised some my name, but I mean the conference room. So yeah, can you hear me clear? 481 00:40:55.180 --> 00:40:56.370 Yes. 482 00:40:56.560 --> 00:41:09.210 USCR: okay. Hi, Nisha. Thank you for the nice talk. So I have a follow up question from markers that I think you mentioned in the 483 00:41:09.510 --> 00:41:12.370 USCR: the table the statistic table, that 484 00:41:12.470 --> 00:41:19.340 USCR: the unstable case has a higher height than the stable case. Right 485 00:41:21.450 --> 00:41:31.439 USCR: is, is that the indication that this could be due to the like Torres instability, when so reaching the critical height 486 00:41:33.970 --> 00:41:43.519 Nishu Karna: like one of the cases, I would say Yes, the the case I showed in the there was a prominence rising like a like it was rising like slow rice. 487 00:41:43.950 --> 00:41:50.469 Nishu Karna: right right? And then the toll. It was the case of a to us. Yes, we found that in one of our cases. Yes. 488 00:41:50.690 --> 00:42:07.089 USCR: Oh, okay, yeah. And my other question is that you talk about the Pakistan or observations and the Solar orbiter observation. So I I want to. Is that possible to use their institutions to constrain 489 00:42:07.100 --> 00:42:16.170 USCR: the flux rope? You insert it like the flux Florida and the access boxes that you in 490 00:42:16.600 --> 00:42:18.639 USCR: insert in your model. 491 00:42:19.460 --> 00:42:21.429 Nishu Karna: So 492 00:42:21.730 --> 00:42:26.170 Nishu Karna: my model, like our model, is solely magnetic model. 493 00:42:26.540 --> 00:42:30.180 Nishu Karna: So it only needs is a magnetogram like 494 00:42:30.220 --> 00:42:33.530 Nishu Karna: built up on the magnetic magnitude, like line aside minor program. 495 00:42:33.650 --> 00:42:36.369 Nishu Karna: So i'm not sure if we have to simulate. 496 00:42:36.500 --> 00:42:43.079 Nishu Karna: Maybe we need a Msd. Or like hydro dynamic code. Is that like what you are into our graph center. 497 00:42:43.340 --> 00:42:44.089 Good. 498 00:42:44.290 --> 00:42:47.940 Nishu Karna: I I it's just solely a magnetic model. So 499 00:42:48.300 --> 00:42:50.159 Nishu Karna: i'm not sure if he can. 500 00:42:51.230 --> 00:42:58.240 USCR: I I think it it in case if they actually observe this eruptive once that's 501 00:42:58.320 --> 00:43:04.410 USCR: from the hammer streamer or the pseudo streamer filament. 502 00:43:04.440 --> 00:43:20.160 USCR: and if they have the Institute merriment, when the the fluctu is moving through the satellite at Parisol or orbiter, and then you can estimate how much magnetic flux this flux room have. 503 00:43:20.170 --> 00:43:32.320 USCR: and then maybe you can link that to the flux or being circuit in your model, as any case being observed by Microsoft program. So we'll all be turn. 504 00:43:32.690 --> 00:43:33.299 We hope 505 00:43:33.590 --> 00:43:34.569 Nishu Karna: I 506 00:43:34.800 --> 00:43:37.119 Nishu Karna: i'm not aware of the Sam, because 507 00:43:37.370 --> 00:43:39.189 Nishu Karna: I think this is the first one 508 00:43:39.420 --> 00:43:46.590 Nishu Karna: that I believe I talk with steam Mike's with the sick person, so I think this is the first time I have seen 509 00:43:46.870 --> 00:43:51.649 Nishu Karna: how many steamer eruption with having the partner and solely data all together. 510 00:43:52.250 --> 00:43:53.720 Nishu Karna: but they they 511 00:43:56.920 --> 00:43:58.270 Nishu Karna: honestly like 512 00:43:59.260 --> 00:44:05.270 Nishu Karna: It's really hard to align all the spacecraft together right? But again, like having our magnetic model. 513 00:44:05.800 --> 00:44:06.899 Nishu Karna: and then 514 00:44:07.100 --> 00:44:11.259 Nishu Karna: looking the strength at the in C 2 data and then coming back. 515 00:44:11.830 --> 00:44:14.180 Nishu Karna: it is doable, but we haven't done it. 516 00:44:15.370 --> 00:44:22.209 USCR: Okay. Yeah, I think that depends on their observations that me what's very 517 00:44:22.520 --> 00:44:24.649 USCR: clearly. Yeah. But thank you very much. 518 00:44:25.190 --> 00:44:28.290 Dean Pesnell: Is a nariaki still there. He had his hand up. 519 00:44:29.070 --> 00:44:29.640 Okay. 520 00:44:32.000 --> 00:44:45.670 Nariaki Nitta: actually, I I think I know what to my hands, because you you did lower your hand. Just you don't. Do you still have a question? Actually, I think I admit, misunderstood your talk. I need a niche. A very nice talk. 521 00:44:45.800 --> 00:44:52.620 Nariaki Nitta: I thought you did a no doing your for free extrapolation. I thought 522 00:44:52.760 --> 00:44:56.040 Nariaki Nitta: automatically thought you were using vector magnetic ground 523 00:44:56.070 --> 00:45:00.569 Nariaki Nitta: and the back. I'm going to be some ground that noisy at the week. 524 00:45:00.620 --> 00:45:10.370 Nariaki Nitta: These regions, like the 4 foot point of all the streamers. But now now I find that you are using just a line of site. One that's correct 525 00:45:13.220 --> 00:45:14.109 questions. 526 00:45:17.890 --> 00:45:27.999 Nishu Karna: Yeah, we are using line upside my Instagram. He was like, since he could be used. I just affected my 527 00:45:31.370 --> 00:45:35.740 Dean Pesnell: sorry I was looking down. I didn't see if you nodded, or anything 528 00:45:35.970 --> 00:45:37.950 Does anyone else have a question? 529 00:45:39.110 --> 00:45:42.340 Dean Pesnell: Have you seen any good cavities in this cycle? 530 00:45:43.300 --> 00:45:53.790 Nishu Karna: The helmet stream where I sold your 22 is a really strong the and 2 days the inversary one year, and where should we have the option? It is pretty strong. 531 00:45:53.850 --> 00:45:59.509 Dean Pesnell: but I've been watching the limb, and I haven't seen a lot of coronal cavities 532 00:46:00.260 --> 00:46:05.220 Nishu Karna: there. There is one a week or 2 weeks ago to the streamer 533 00:46:05.550 --> 00:46:11.739 Nishu Karna: on the southern side more than most of us out on, and there is. It was a sympathetic eruption. 534 00:46:11.890 --> 00:46:14.129 Nishu Karna: I to let you know. 535 00:46:14.540 --> 00:46:19.220 Dean Pesnell: Well, you know, just waiting for the polar crown filament to develop, and it just Hasn't seen them 536 00:46:19.850 --> 00:46:22.680 Dean Pesnell: been able to assert its identity. 537 00:46:25.370 --> 00:46:28.399 Dean Pesnell: Let's see one new message. 538 00:46:29.890 --> 00:46:34.629 Dean Pesnell: She would like to ask what a vector magnetogram 539 00:46:35.330 --> 00:46:42.620 Dean Pesnell: would it be possible to use vector by need to Graham data in the future, to replace the line of site and get a few. 540 00:46:42.840 --> 00:46:49.019 Nishu Karna: I think, for our and a. F of that model like we use line of side, because it's 541 00:46:49.130 --> 00:46:50.229 Nishu Karna: more like. 542 00:46:50.340 --> 00:46:54.410 Nishu Karna: do that with pre-season. And as Maria, you said, there is like a noise in, vector 543 00:46:54.530 --> 00:46:57.209 Nishu Karna: so we will 544 00:46:58.280 --> 00:47:00.640 Nishu Karna: stick with the line aside, for now 545 00:47:02.070 --> 00:47:06.810 Dean Pesnell: do you do you convert the line of slate to outward or radio. 546 00:47:07.050 --> 00:47:08.419 Dean Pesnell: We okay. 547 00:47:12.760 --> 00:47:15.489 Dean Pesnell: any other. This is your opportunity 548 00:47:16.190 --> 00:47:20.650 Dean Pesnell: to quiz the shoe on coron cavities and and helmet 549 00:47:20.970 --> 00:47:22.830 Dean Pesnell: helmet streamers. Greg. 550 00:47:23.540 --> 00:47:26.039 Gregory Slater: Hello, thank you for the chart. 551 00:47:26.220 --> 00:47:28.080 Gregory Slater: I I think I may 552 00:47:28.300 --> 00:47:31.209 Gregory Slater: you a little bit fuzzy on things you explained. Well. 553 00:47:31.330 --> 00:47:32.420 Gregory Slater: but 554 00:47:32.800 --> 00:47:39.660 Gregory Slater: the results of your magnetic model is a is a single snapshot of all these parameters, or you have Time series of them. 555 00:47:40.260 --> 00:47:43.269 Nishu Karna: So that's really good question. 556 00:47:43.470 --> 00:47:46.669 Nishu Karna: If it is so, we, if it is a stable case. 557 00:47:47.920 --> 00:47:52.259 Nishu Karna: So this is it's not a time set. It's like it's. We call it a I duration. 558 00:47:52.390 --> 00:47:54.990 Nishu Karna: We run up to 90,000 iteration. 559 00:47:55.320 --> 00:48:00.519 Nishu Karna: If it is a stable model, the flux will will relax. It will be same, for 560 00:48:00.680 --> 00:48:06.470 Nishu Karna: like, if it is 30,000, it it should be same for 40, 50, and 60, but it is, it's relaxed right? It's stable. 561 00:48:07.600 --> 00:48:16.529 Nishu Karna: So we we only pick 30,000 or 20,000 whatever, as our one timeframe, and that is the parameters that come over here. 562 00:48:16.730 --> 00:48:18.640 Nishu Karna: But for unstable case 563 00:48:18.730 --> 00:48:26.179 Nishu Karna: on, Still, a case like it keeps on evolving right, but it keeps them involved. So we have, we have it, and for different time steps. 564 00:48:27.480 --> 00:48:31.469 Nishu Karna: Does Does this answer your question? 565 00:48:31.580 --> 00:48:33.290 Nishu Karna: So when I had 566 00:48:33.390 --> 00:48:36.539 Nishu Karna: a plot showing, for example. 567 00:48:38.650 --> 00:48:40.259 Nishu Karna: Yeah. Oh, sorry. 568 00:48:42.540 --> 00:48:45.650 Nishu Karna: So when I had a plot showing a different 569 00:48:46.420 --> 00:48:49.059 Nishu Karna: different for 570 00:48:49.380 --> 00:48:57.560 Nishu Karna: for eruption, I had, like different time steps like a different iteration, and then I have to sit down and say, okay, this time it doesn't correspond to 571 00:48:57.990 --> 00:48:59.490 Nishu Karna: this observation. 572 00:49:00.070 --> 00:49:10.099 Nishu Karna: So for unstable. And then the measurement that I have shown on the table is from their initial initial miss like from 10,000, because after 10,000 it changes a lot 573 00:49:13.440 --> 00:49:20.609 Nishu Karna: for a stable. It should be same for us if i'm changing that. That's what I want to. 574 00:49:20.670 --> 00:49:24.469 Gregory Slater: I wondered if you can get like. 575 00:49:25.000 --> 00:49:25.959 Gregory Slater: you know. 576 00:49:26.410 --> 00:49:30.189 Gregory Slater: from this iterative method or otherwise. Can you get a 577 00:49:30.340 --> 00:49:37.049 Gregory Slater: Can you reduce that or produce a time series of say, elicity or free energy. 578 00:49:37.090 --> 00:49:41.419 Gregory Slater: Oh, okay. So I I don't know. Perhaps you even presented that. But I wasn't sure. 579 00:49:41.580 --> 00:49:45.669 Nishu Karna: Yeah, we for for for this case like it's the 2021 paper. 580 00:49:46.000 --> 00:49:52.259 Nishu Karna: and we have a table for helicity or free energy. How it changes with the iteration. 581 00:49:52.810 --> 00:49:57.940 Gregory Slater: And you okay, so. But you you can see. 582 00:49:58.670 --> 00:49:59.660 Gregory Slater: like the 583 00:49:59.790 --> 00:50:13.159 Nishu Karna: who is your free energy, become larger or things like that. 584 00:50:13.430 --> 00:50:20.420 Gregory Slater: Okay? Great. Thank you. I'm. At the risk of hogging. One last question is, of course, you're looking at the projection 585 00:50:20.490 --> 00:50:24.269 Gregory Slater: on the limb of a long, potentially a very long 586 00:50:24.380 --> 00:50:34.060 Gregory Slater: cavity, covering many, many, many degrees of longitude. It is it possible to disentangle. That's the word 587 00:50:34.410 --> 00:50:37.010 Gregory Slater: the the variation in 588 00:50:37.390 --> 00:50:40.160 Gregory Slater: topological structure along the cavity 589 00:50:40.450 --> 00:50:58.800 Gregory Slater: which may have places of of which may go. There may be places along the cavity that are more unstable, less unstable. So there's a lot of variation, but as you see it roll over the limb. You're just seeing this. You're seeing the you're seeing the convolution of the temporal evolution of the of the cavity and the 590 00:50:58.810 --> 00:51:09.270 Nishu Karna: positioning of the viewing angle of the Ca: or you, you understand? Yeah, I I do like that's a lot of that's the main since I'm. Looking at a link feature, and that is the main problem like 591 00:51:09.300 --> 00:51:13.639 Nishu Karna: there's a long it's Kevin's long features. Right? So I have to wait. Which time is. 592 00:51:13.730 --> 00:51:14.849 Nishu Karna: it is best. 593 00:51:15.370 --> 00:51:31.720 Nishu Karna: and that again it's some line of side integration. So, going back to when in one of the table, I showed you in a fox, so it doesn't have to have the same value, because it's the same thing. I pass with the cavity too. Right? Some is. It is not same same as high, some flow, but unfortunately. 594 00:51:31.930 --> 00:51:34.000 Nishu Karna: like for the model or something 595 00:51:34.320 --> 00:51:36.459 Nishu Karna: for this model. 596 00:51:37.420 --> 00:51:45.359 Nishu Karna: I can answer this in 2 parts, unfortunately like for the model, since there's a link in it. I have to rotate the data, thinking nothing has changed a lot 597 00:51:45.790 --> 00:51:54.110 Nishu Karna: in one scenario, and second is, for I have to wait for the best view of the cavity that I want to model. 598 00:51:54.130 --> 00:51:56.020 Nishu Karna: But again, you have to. 599 00:51:56.870 --> 00:52:04.309 Nishu Karna: You have to mass this like you make a model that is, 3 4 days ahead of my. The managram is either a hit or later. 600 00:52:04.550 --> 00:52:06.939 Nishu Karna: and then you have to match with the observation. 601 00:52:07.090 --> 00:52:08.189 Gregory Slater: Yeah. 602 00:52:08.900 --> 00:52:12.859 Nishu Karna: okay, Thank you very much for 603 00:52:16.380 --> 00:52:18.589 Dean Pesnell: right any any last questions 604 00:52:21.990 --> 00:52:25.309 Dean Pesnell: right an issue. If you would like to unshare your talk. 605 00:52:27.890 --> 00:52:31.399 Dean Pesnell: I would like to encourage people to show their appreciation 606 00:52:31.770 --> 00:52:33.839 Dean Pesnell: in some way. 607 00:52:35.690 --> 00:52:37.869 Dean Pesnell: So thank you very much. Tissue. 608 00:52:38.420 --> 00:52:39.299 Nishu Karna: Oh. 609 00:52:40.990 --> 00:52:45.950 Dean Pesnell: our best, our best to your our best to your little one. I hope he's growing like a weed.