Solar Dynamics and Magnetism from the Interior to the Atmosphere
Oct 31 - Nov 4, 2011 | Bechtel Conference Center - Encina Hall - Stanford University, CA
Sunday, October 30 |
5:00pm - 7:00pm | Registration and reception (Bechtel Conf. Center, Encina Hall, Stanford) | |
Monday, October 31 | ||
8:00am - 9:00am | Registration, poster set up | |
9:00am | Opening | |
Session 1 "Local and Global Helioseismology I" (Chair: Alexander Kosovichev) |
9:10am - 10:00am | Keynote talk -What have we learned, what have we really learned, and what do we wish to learn? - Douglas Gough (Univ. of Cambridge) |
10:00am - 10:30am | Global Helioseismology - Takashi Sekii (NAOJ) | |
10:30am - 11:00am | Coffee break | |
Session 2 "Local and Global Helioseismology II" (Chair: Jesper Schou) |
11:00am - 11:30am | Review and New Results of Local Helioseismology - Dean-Yi Chou (National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan) | |
11:30am - 12:00noon | New Results of Acoustic Holography - Aaron Birch (CoRA) | |
12:00noon - 12:20pm | The Dynamics of the Solar Radiative Zone - Sylvain Korzennik (CfA) | |
12:20pm - 2:00pm | Lunch break (Campus Dining Services) |
Session 3 "Local and Global Helioseismology III" (Chair: Phil Goode) |
2:00pm - 2:30pm | Latest Results Found With Ring-Diagram Analysis - Charles Baldner (Stanford) | |
2:30pm - 2:50pm | Excitation of Solar Acoustic Waves and Vortex Tube Dynamics - Irina Kitiashvili (Stanford) | |
2:50pm - 3:10pm | Subsurface Kinetic Helicity of Flows Near Active Regions - Rudi Komm (NSO) | |
3:10pm - 4:30pm | Poster session & refreshments | |
Session 4 "Local and Global Helioseismology IV" (Chair: Rick Bogart) | ||
4:30pm - 5:00pm | New Results of Time-Distance Helioseismology from SDO/HMI Observations - Junwei Zhao (Stanford) | |
5:00pm - 5:20pm | Subsurface Supergranular Vertical Flows as Measured from Time-Distance Helioseismology - Tom Duvall (NASA GSFC) | |
5:20pm - 5:40pm | Variability of Five-Minute Solar Oscillations in the Corona as Observed by the Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer (ESP) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (SDO/EVE) - Leonid Didkovsky (USC) | |
Tuesday, November 1 | Session 5 "Large-Scale Dynamics, Magnetism and Dynamo I" (Chair: Bernhard Fleck) |
9:00am - 9:30am | Models of Solar Cycle and Predictions - Alfio Bonanno (Catania Univ.) | |
9:30am - 10:00am | Active Regions From Near-Surface Dynamics - Axel Brandenburg (Nordita) | |
10:00am - 10:20am | Theoretical Comparison of Plasma Flow and Magnetic Feature Tracking Speeds in the Sun - Gustavo Guerrero (Stanford) |
10:20am - 10:40am | A Study of Coronal Mass Ejections and the Subsurface Structure at Their Source Regions - Chia-Hsien Lin (National Central University, Taiwan) |
10:40am - 11:00am | Coffee break | |
Session 6 "Emerging Magnetic Flux and Subsurface Dynamics" (Chair: Bradley Hindman) | ||
11:00am - 11:30am | Dynamic Evolution of Emerging Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Solar Convective Envelope - Yuhong Fan (HAO) | |
11:30am - 12:00noon | Detecting Subsurface Signatures of Emerging Magnetic Flux - Stathis Illonidis (Stanford) | |
12:00noon - 12:20pm | Coupling of Convective Flows and Emerging Magnetic Fields - Fang Fang (University of Michigan) | |
12:20pm - 2:00pm | Lunch break | |
Session 7 "Large-Scale Dynamics, Magnetism and Dynamo II" (Chair: Nicholas Brummell) | ||
2:00pm - 2:30pm | The Solar Differential Rotation and Meridional Circulation: A Status Briefing from the Front Lines - Mark Miesch (HAO) | |
2:30pm - 2:50pm | How Far Can Minimal Models Explain the Solar Cycle? - F. Busse (UCLA/Univ. Bayreuth) | |
2:50pm - 3:10pm | Transport of Angular Momentum and Magnetic Flux Across the Solar Tachocline - Toby Wood (UCSC) | |
3:10pm - 3:30pm | Short-term Forecast of the Solar Irradiance Based on SDO/HMI Solar Disk Magnetograms and Intensity Images - Luis Eduardo Vieira (LPC2E/CNRS and University of Orleans) | |
3:30pm - 4:30pm | Poster session & refreshments | |
Session 8 "Formation, Structure and Evolution of Sunspots and Active Regions I" (Chair: Paul Rajaguru) | ||
4:30pm - 5:00pm | Local Helioseismology Amid Surface Magnetic Fields - Hannah Schunker (MPS) | |
5:00pm - 5:20pm | Observations of Emerging Flux Regions with SWAMIS-EF - Derek Lamb (Southwest Research Institute, Boulder) | |
5:20pm - 5:40pm | Measuring the Magnetic Energy and Helicity in the Emerging Active Regions with HMI Vector Magnetograms - Yang Liu (Stanford) | |
Wednesday,November 2 | Session 9 "Formation, Structure and Evolution of Sunspots and Active Regions II" (Chair: Alberto Sainz Dalda) | |
9:00am - 9:30am | Mechanisms of Sunspot Formation - Mark Cheung (LMSAL) | |
9:30am - 10:00am | Sunspots and Active Region Filaments: What do they have in common? - Valentin Martinez-Pillet (IAC) | |
10:00am - 10:20am | Properties of Umbral Dots as Measured from the New Solar Telescope Data and MHD Simulations - Vasyl Yurchyshyn (BBSO) | |
10:20am - 10:40am | Momentum Balance in Eruptive Solar Flares: The Lorentz Force Acting on the Solar Atmosphere and the Solar Interior - George Fisher (UCB) | |
10:40am - 11:00am | Coffee break | |
Session 10 "Numerical Simulations and Laboratory Experiments" (Chair: Nagi Mansour) |
11:00am - 11:30am | Realistic MHD Simulations of Magneto-Convection - Bob Stein (MSU) | |
11:30am - 12:00noon | Dynamics of an Erupting Arched Magnetic Flux Rope in a Laboratory Plasma Experiment - Shreekrishna Tripathi (UCLA) | |
12:00noon - 12:20pm | Boundary Driven Dynamos and Role of the Magnetic Boundary Conditions - Celine Guervilly (UCSC) | |
12:20am - 2:00pm | Lunch break | |
Session 11 "Observations of Solar Dynamics and Magnetism" (Chair: Valentyna Abramenko) | ||
2:00pm - 2:30pm | High-Resolution Observations of the Solar Dynamics and Magnetism - Phil Goode (NJIT) | |
2:30pm - 3:00pm | Interpreting Vector Magnetic Field Data in the Context of Modeling Results (and vice-versa) - KD Leka (CoRA) | |
3:00pm - 3:20pm | Magnetic Field Modeling with Stereoscopy and Magnetograms - Markus Aschwanden (LMSAL) | |
3:20pm - 3:40pm | TAHOMAG - Vector-Magnetograph for INTERHELIOPROBE - Vladimir Obridko (IZMIRAN) |
3:40pm - 4:30pm | Poster session & refreshments | |
Session 12 "Sources of Spectral and Total Irradiance Variations" (Chair: Jean-Pierre Rozelot) |
4:30pm - 5:00pm | Sources of EUV Irradiance Variations - Rachel Hock (LASP) | |
5:00pm - 5:30pm | Does the Sun Change its Shape?- Jeff Kuhn (IfA) | |
5:30pm - 5:50pm | Solar Cycle Fine Structure and Surface Rotation from Ca II K-Line Time Series Data - Jeff Scargle (NASA/Ames) | |
Thursday, November 3 | Session 13 "Dynamics and Magnetic Topology of Flares and CMEs" (Chair: Ted Tarbell) |
9:00am - 9:30am | Theories of Magnetic Energy Release and Conversion in Solar Flares: Possible Roles for Magnetic Reconnection - Dana Longcope (Montana State Univ.) | |
9:30am - 10:00am | Evolution of Magnetic Field and Energy in a Major Eruptive Active Region Based on SDO/HMI Observation - Xudong Sun (Stanford) | |
10:00am - 10:20am | Origins of Rolling, Twisting and Non-radial Propagation of Eruptive Solar Events - Olga Panasenco (Helio Research) | |
10:20am - 10:40am | Propagation and Impact of Multiple Coronal Mass Ejections Events on August 1 2010 in the Heliosphere - Christian Moestl (UCB/University of Graz) | |
10:40am - 11:00am | Coffee break | |
Session 14 "Links between the Solar Interior and Atmosphere" (Chair: Todd Hoeksema) |
11:00am - 11:30am | Understanding Links Between the Interior and Atmosphere - Brian Welsch (UCB) | |
11:30am - 11:50am | Coronal Magnetic Field Measurement Using CME-Driven Shock Observations - Nat Gopalswamy (NASA GSFC) | |
11:50am - 12:10pm | Concluding Summary - Alexei Pevtsov (NSO) |
12:10pm - 12:30pm | Lunch break | |
12:30pm - 5:30pm | Tour of the NASA/Ames Center | |
5:30pm - 7:30pm | Reception at the NASA Exhibition Center | |
Friday, November 4 | Session 15 "Mini-workshops and technical meetings" | |
9:00am - 12:30pm | Mini-workshops and technical meetings (click for details) |