Due to an outage at Stanford, some of the nominal HMI and AIA data products cannot be retrieved from the SDO JSOC.
SDO provides near-real-time (NRT) images that are updated every 15 minutes. They are designed for Space Weather operators and citizen scientists. You can examine the images on the SDO website or download them for use elsewhere. The best way to regularly download our latest NRT images is a script using either a wget or curl command. Once a script tailored to your needs has been developed it can be invoked automatically as a cron job.
The best method to download our NRT images is to use the wget utility.
Best practice would be to retrieve a new images once every fifteen minutes.
*/15 * * * * bash /path/to/script > /path/to/output 2>&1 &
Our latest images are located in the /assets/inmg/latest directory and have a common naming convention as see below. There are four resolutions available and 15 images.
URL: https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/latest/latest_[ resolution ]_[ wavelength ].jpg
Resolutions: [ 4096, 2048, 1024, 512 ]
Wavelengths: [ 0094, 0193, 0171, 0304, 0211, 0131, 0335, 1600, 1700, hmib, hmii, hmibc, hmiic, hmiif, hmid ]
#!/bin/bash # COMMANDLINE ARGUMENTS DOWNLOAD_PATH=$1 # SDO WEBSITE URL LATEST_URL=https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/latest # DOWNLOAD PATH LOCALDIR=$DOWNLOAD_PATH CHANNELS=( 0094 0131 0171 0193 0211 0304 0335 1600 1700 HMIB HMII HMID HMIBC HMIIF HMIIC ) RESOLUTIONS=( 4096 2048 1024 512 ) for CHANNEL in ${CHANNELS[@]} do for RESOLUTION in ${RESOLUTIONS[@]} do FILENAME="latest_"$RESOLUTION"_"$CHANNEL".jpg" URL=$LATEST_URL/$FILENAME #wget command wget -N -nd --no-check-certificate $URL --directory-prefix=$LOCALDIR done done
The browse directories are the drilldown directories deliniated by date. These images also have a common naming convention consisting of date/time stamp, resolution, and instrument or wavelength.
Below is an example script on how to download browse images from a date range.
#!/bin/bash # COMMANDLINE ARGUMENTS STARTDATE=$1 ENDDATE=$2 CHANNEL=$3 RESOLUTION=$4 DOWNLOAD_PATH=$5 # SDO WEBSITE URL SDOURL=https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov BROWSEDIR=$SDOURL"/assets/img/browse" # DOWNLOAD PATH LOCALDIR=$DOWNLOAD_PATH # UNIX TIMESTAMPS STARTSECONDS=$(date -j -u -f "%Y-%m-%d" ${STARTDATE} +"%s") ENDSECONDS=$(date -j -u -f "%Y-%m-%d" ${ENDDATE} +"%s") echo -e "\n\n" echo "Download Images to local directory" echo "START DATE: "$STARTDATE echo "END DATE: "$ENDDATE echo "CHANNEL: "$CHANNEL echo "RESOLUTION: "$RESOLUTION echo "DOWNLOAD PATH: "$LOCALDIR echo -e "\n" val=0 for (( i=$STARTSECONDS; i<=$ENDSECONDS; i+=86400 )) do NEXTDATEPATH=$(date -j -u -f %s "${i}" +%Y/%m/%d) NEXTDATESTRING=$(date -j -u -f %s "${i}" +%Y%m%d) URL=${BROWSEDIR}/${NEXTDATEPATH} ACCEPT=${NEXTDATESTRING}_*_${RESOLUTION}_${CHANNEL}.jpg printf "Downloading Images from: %s\r" "$URL" wget -q -nd --no-check-certificate --level=1 --recursive -e robots=off --no-parent -R "index.html*" -A $ACCEPT $URL --directory-prefix=$LOCALDIR done echo -e "\n"Script complete: $(date)